2022-23: Celebration of CKI’s 100th Anniversary, including a Carnival on the front lawn, a Membership Reunion Shabbat. and a Gala Evening.
2018 – present: Rabbi Stephen M. Wylen
2009 – present: Cantor Edward Roffman
2007 – 2018: Rabbi Jack Kramer
2006 – 2007: Rabbi Steven Kirschner
1997 – 2006: Rabbi William Kraus
Late 1990’s: the exterior front of the building was renovated
1994 – ?: Rabbi Sheri Berger
1987: The new chapel was dedicated the “Chapel of the Survivors” and varoius items were consecrated including the stained glass windows, the Aron Kodesh, the Ner Tamid, the Shulchan, and Menorahs. Plaques marking “Nettie’s Niche” and bima seats were dedicated.
1981 – 1983: A front addition to the building was built with a chapel, youth lounge, a new rabbi’s office, and an administrator’s office.
1976 – 1993: Rabbi Aaron Decter
1967 – 1976: Rabbi David P. Prince
1967 – CKI became affiliated with the United Synagogue of America (later called the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism). The congregation also purchased a home in Bound Brook to house the Rabbi. A Judaica library was established in the Rabbi’s study in the synagogue.
1960 – discussion began on changing CKI’s affiliation from Orthodox to Conservative.
1955 – 1966: Rabbi H. Hillel Horowitz
1955: The synagogue building was dedicated
1954: Construction of a new building was begun, behind the existing house. A Sears kit building was shipped to Bound Brook via train and assembled on the site.

1954 – 1955: Rabbi Goldberg
1953 – 1954: Rabbi Herbert H. Kumin
1953: The Congregation adopts a new name: the Bound Brook Jewish Community Center, Congregation Knesseth Israel
(dates unknown): Rabbi Hochbert, Rabbi Rubinger
1943 – 1945: Rabbi Aaron Sillman (CKI’s first full-time Rabbi)
1939: CKI’s first Bas Mitzvah is held, jointly for Paula Koenigsberg and Flora Greenberg
1932: Martin Kissel secured the deed to the cemetery plot
1930-31: Rabbi Telson led services
(Other intermediate rabbis who served CKI over the years include Rabbi Hochberg and Rabbi Rubinger)
1925: the Ladies Social Circle raises $3500 for a deposit on the property at 229 Mountain Avenue. In February, Mr. Ratner of New Brunswick led the first service in the house already on the property.
1923 – 1924: services were held at the Bound Brook Congregational Church.
1921 – 1922: services were held in Bound Brook’s Ivy Hook & Ladder building
1921: The congregation names itself “The Jacob H. Schiff Congregation” in honor of a prominent Jewish philanthropist who had recently died. The Jacob H. Schiff Women’s Social Circle was established, and Lena Gottlieb, mother of Ruth Kissel, was the first president.
1920: The first minyan of the founding members was held in a private home.