Sisterhood is… a place for the special bonding of women who share friendships; who understand and appreciate each other and the work of their hands, minds, and spirits.
Sisterhood is… the heart of a congregation, filled with love, warmth, courage, and strength.
Our Gift Shop, located in the Social Hall, is an great source for Judaica and holiday gifts.
Our meetings have featured movies, crafting classes, invited speakers, and cooking classes. Sisterhood members assemble our Shalach Manot baskets for Purim, enjoy a “Vodka/Latke” party during Hanukkah, and hold a Sisterhood dinner in the spring.
New members get their first year in Sisterhood for free – so come join us! It’s a great way to make new friends and quickly feel a part of our synagogue family. Dues are $25/year.
Sisterhood Officers
President: Pam Barr
Treasurer: Robin Garber
Leagrams: Lori Siegel
To Sponsor an Shabbat service, contact the Coordinator: Robin Garber