Our continuing education programs include: a book discussion group, Supper in the Sukkah, Adult B’nai Mitzvah studies, Introduction to Reading Hebrew classes, movie nights, and discussions led by Rabbi Wylen.
Discussion topics have included:
- “Shabbat Can Be” – Strategies for Making Shabbat Real in Your Life
- The Jewish Calendar: The Experience of Time
- 360 Years of Jews in America
- A Virtual Guided Tour of Israel
- The 7 Jewish Spiritual Paths
- The First 3 Waves of Aliya to pre-state Israel
- Gossip: Jewish Rules of Proper Speech
- Jewish Meditation Practices
Please see our calendar for the schedule of Adult Education classes.
If you have recommendations for forum topics, programs, books to discuss or other events of interest, or if you would like to volunteer to work on the committee, please contact the Temple office or the chair of the Adult Education committee, Nancy Berkenfeld.